About Us

Oh, Hi!

We are Just Gluten Free, Inc, a woman-owned startup business located in Roseville, CA.  Our primary focus is providing a dedicated gluten-free commissary kitchen, specifically designed to cater to food entrepreneurs, caterers, chefs, and bakers who are seeking to create safe gluten-free items.

Creating a Truly Safe Gluten-Free Shared Commercial Kitchen

Ensuring a safe environment for gluten-free culinary endeavors is essential. By providing a space where individuals can work without concerns of cross-contact, we’re here to support the gluten-free community in crafting their creations with peace of mind.

Why Does It Even Matter?

People with gluten sensitives and intolerances, such as celiac disease, can get very sick from even a small amount of gluten. When you’re food is produced in a shared facility, even if your product doesn’t have gluten, it can still make its way into your food and make people who eat it sick, including damaging their small intestines. Cross contact happens so easily, it could be from the oven, from a wooden spoon, even from flour dust in the air that lands on your work surface, mixer, or product.

Our Why

Our hope is to provide a dedicated facility to help reseed the community and provide more safe options for the gluten free community.

Just Gluten Free, Inc. was born when my husband, Todd, was at the farmers market with our daughter, they saw some yummy looking French macarons, something our little one had always loved. He saw they were labeled gluten free, and asked if they were allergy safe, or “trendy gluten free”. Thankfully she was honest and said, no, they’re made in a shared kitchen, so these are not truly gluten free. Saved us from being sick, and sparked the idea of, “well, sounds like we need to open a gluten free commissary kitchen!”

So, here we are! A celiac and a pilot trying to make something for our daughter and other fellow gluten intolerant people to create and enjoy.

We want to be the stepping stone to get your dream started.

XO Steph and Todd